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Tutorial E3

Rideway - SG Taxi Comparison Application

Antoine de Carmentran, Lwin Lwin Moe @ Shivani, Ashima Sharma, Thidar Tun, Fadhilah Nadia Rahenda, Naing Lin Aung

Our project RideWay is an app which would be launched in Singapore. In this app, the prices and services of different online cab services in Singapore are compared. Rideway pride one online application that regroup all ride hailing to permit you to choose the more convenient cab regarding your personal preferences. The project's objective is to make comparison reliable and price appealing of all apps in lesser time. In simple words, this app would ease the process to select right cab. Our customer survey and market analysis will be used to understand the business environment and adapt to all the issues faced during the creation of the project and the launching of the application.

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